Blue Bouquet
Blue Bouquet
This Blue Bouquet postcard is a handmade work of art! Real blooms, reimagined in beautiful blue hues, will capture any recipient's attention - and hearts. Guaranteed to make a one-of-a-kind impression!
Regular price
$4.00 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$4.00 USD
Unit price
Card Sizes & Pricing
Small (3.5"x4.87") $5
Medium (4.25"x5.5") $6
Large (5"x7") $7
Dried Flower Cards $10All cards made with quality cardstock & a cute, color coordinated envelope.
Customer Review
Colorful, bright, brilliant greeting cards for every occasion. You will love LT Designs so much you'll want to keep them for yourself (like I did)!
- Rose G.
Commissioned cards & art? Yes!
Contact me with any requests. A specific length of sobriety, a custom made card with recipient's name or an abstract watercolor, let's create it!